Us in Action
Evaluating project impact
Understanding the impact of action is important in all our work. During 2023-early 2024, we undertook an evaluation of a project funded by the UK governments Community Renewal Fund (CRF).
The analysis based on a theory of change approach and logic flow drew on a review of both written materials and interviews with those associated with the project.
Despite a short time in which to complete the research and writing the evaluation identified the potential to replicate successes, but also identified changes which could increase uptake of the programme, improved validity of outcomes and improve future project design.
The commissioner of the work, a Unitary Authority, are now incorporating the findings from the evaluation in the development of their new action plan.
Local Authority: Practical carbon baselining
Completed in 2022 we supported a local authority climate team to update their own estate and operations baseline data.
We were able to help with data collection and embedded detailed coding in a bespoke carbon data tool, which enabled officers to draw out information relevant to internal Directorates and strategies.
This has led to a much clearer focus on key issues and facilitated practical discussions, led by Russell&Dawson, with officer colleagues on carbon action.
We were also able to model Scope 3 emissions, including supply chain, and used this information to help lead debate on allocations and future work.
The final element of the analysis was to model the reductions in Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions required to achieve net zero emissions in 2050. This was completed and included interim milestones by Scope.